申请过程 & 入学要求

请透过 医师助理集中申请服务(CASPA).


  • 所有申请和证明材料(成绩单、推荐信等).)必须由CASPA收到,然后才能开始处理您的文件. 一旦您的文件完成,CASPA处理需要2 - 4周.
  • 如果英语不是你的第一语言, 托福或雅思成绩必须与您的CASPA申请一起提交. Instruct the testing agency to use the following code when 提交ting your scores directly to CASPA: TOEFL designate code 2812. (入学要求分数如下.)
  • 我们的项目不需要补充申请.

申请截止日期 & 入学面试日期

我们的CASPA周期将在四月下旬开放.  通过CASPA申请的截止日期是1月15日. 符合条件的候选人将在2月份进行入学面试, 三月和四月, 大多数考生在5月1日之前收到录取通知.


Students who have completed a bachelor's degree and are applying to the Master of Science Program, 必须:

  • 透过“ 医师助理集中申请服务(CASPA).
  • 至少有3个.2 CASPA评估本科GPA或3.提交申请时完成的研究生学位GPA.
  • 已经完成了 必备的课程 在过去的七年中,在经过caspa认证的U.S. 这些课程的总GPA至少为3分.2 .在提交申请时. There is an exception to the seven-year rule for candidates who have been continually enrolled - with a gap of no more than one year - in a health science program since completion of prerequisite coursework.
  • Participate in an interview (if invited) with faculty from Seton Hill and the Physician Assistant Program. 
  • Possess strong oral and written language skills (international students are required to have an IELTS score of 8 or TOEFL scores as follows: 650 paper; 114 Internet; 280 computer; 135 Duolingo).
  • Demonstrate evidence of ability to complete this intensive program of study and clinical training, 个人的成熟, 以及专业的态度.

注:不符合初始要求的申请.累积绩点2分或3分.2个先决条件GPA将被自动拒绝.  We do not allow submission of additional materials after your application is verified by CASPA if you do not meet the initial criteria. 

Prior to beginning study in the Master of Science in Physician Assistant program at Seton Hill, 所有准学生必须:

欲了解更多招生信息,请查看我们的 招生筛选细则.

We utilize a comprehensive Rubric to evaluate the evidence presented by applicants for our intensive program. This Rubric encompasses various criteria, with extracurricular activities being just one component. It serves as a means to assess a student's ability to manage the minimum GPA requirement while actively participating in diverse settings beyond the traditional classroom environment. 每个标准都经过仔细评估, 申请者会得到相应的分数, 然后用什么来对潜在面试日期的候选人进行排名.

此外,我们致力于在招生过程中保持透明度. 清晰地勾勒出学生所需的技能和能力, 我们发布了一套 技术标准. 这些标准超越了学术要求,还包括身体素质, 认知, and behavioral abilities essential for successful completion of all aspects of our curriculum. They also encompass the development of professional attributes that are highly valued by our faculty and expected of all students upon graduation. 通过描述这些技术标准, we aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of the expectations and commitments associated with our program. 

课外活动, 在大学申请的背景下, refer to any activities or pursuits that students engage in outside of their regular academic coursework. These activities are typically voluntary and provide opportunities for students to explore their interests, 开发技能, 为他们的个人和社会成长做出贡献. 课外活动 are an important component of a college application as they demonstrate a student's involvement, 领导潜力, 激情, 以及课堂之外的承诺.


  • 体育:参加大学或俱乐部的运动队, 个人运动, 或者休闲体育活动.
  • 俱乐部和组织:学生俱乐部的会员资格, 学术或特定学科的组织, 文化或多样性俱乐部, 社区服务团体, 或者像学生会这样的领导组织.
  • 表演艺术:参与戏剧制作, 唱诗班, 管弦乐队, 乐队, 舞蹈团体, 或其他表演艺术活动.
  • Volunteer work: Engaging in community service or volunteer work with organizations or initiatives that address social issues or support a cause.
  • 学术竞赛:参加科学展览, 数学竞赛, 辩论队, 或者在常规课程之外的其他智力追求.
  • 学生刊物:参与校报、文学杂志或在线博客.
  • 实习或工作经验:通过实习获得实践经验, 兼职工作, 或者在与学生兴趣或职业目标相关的专业环境中做志愿者.
  • Research projects: Conducting independent research or participating in research programs in collaboration with professors or institutions.
  • 艺术和手工艺:在绘画等领域追求爱好或天赋, 摄影, 雕塑, 或者其他艺术上的努力.
  • Special interest activities: Engaging in activities related to specific interests like coding clubs, 机器人技术团队, 环保俱乐部, 或者创业计划.

在大学申请中包括课外活动时, 重要的是要强调参与的持续时间和水平, 担任过任何领导职务或职责, 以及通过这些活动取得的显著成就或影响. Colleges value students who demonstrate a well-rounded profile and the ability to manage their time effectively by balancing academics with extracurricular commitments.

应用程序 & 面试过程

Seton Hill's Physician Assistant Program 招生 Committee reviews all applications for the combined Bachelor of Science/Master of Science and Master of Science in Physician Assistant 项目. Selected applicants are invited for an interview on campus with program faculty members and alumni. 面试过程包括标准的面试问题, 沟通练习, 还有写作评估. 面试过程需要半天时间才能完成.


Our program receives hundreds of applications from qualified prospective students for a small number of available seats. To improve your chances of being placed in one of those seats, you must prepare for the interview. Here is a list of items that will prepare you and give you an edge in the interview process:


The 西顿希尔大学 Physician Assistant Program accepts applicants who we believe have the ability to become highly competent physician assistants. Admission and retention decisions are based not only on prior satisfactory academic achievement but also on non-academic factors outlined in our 技术标准.


事实上,U.S. 新闻 & 世界报告称我们是最具价值的学校. 以下是一些原因:最佳价值

  • 平均, the annual cost of attending Seton Hill is LESS than many local competitors - even some state schools.
  • M.S. in Physician Assistant students benefit from all the resources of attending an Apple Distinguished School - including MacBook Air laptops.

医师助理.S. 估计学费 & 相关的费用


承兑手续费 (必须注册,但从第一年的学费中扣除)1000美元


课程 & 大学服务费$17,752


课程 & 大学服务费$17,752


课程 & 大学服务费$17,752


课程 & 大学服务费$17,752


临床旋转 & 大学服务费$17,752


临床旋转 & 大学服务费$17,752


临床旋转 & 大学服务费$17,752




*该费用不包括贷款或援助. 访问 研究生项目资助 有关财政援助、贷款、军事福利等方面的信息. 平均, the annual cost of attending Seton Hill is LESS than some state schools and many local competitors. 


  • PSPA会员 $50
  • 教科书 $1,000
  • 毕业典礼的费用 $100
  • 背景调查,药物筛选 & HIPAA培训 $350
  • 免疫接种/浓度  成本变化
  • 结核病测试 成本变化
  • 病史和医生表格 成本变化
  • 健康保险 成本变化

请注意: 以上资料仅供参考. 学费 prices are based on projections (rotation fees are included in the grad per semester cost) and are subject to change on a yearly basis. 以上每学期学费不包括课程费用. 课程费用包括您的医疗设备和责任保险费用. 额外的费用和课程可以由项目主管酌情决定. Students should consider housing and hospitality costs based on their own preferences and situation. 这些费用不包括往返临床轮转的交通费.



  • 医疗设备
  • 白色的外套
  • BLS/ACLS认证费用
  • McGraw Hill教材包(Access Medicine)
  • 爱思唯尔教材包(临床重点学生)
  • 现时的订阅
  • Live patients for history-taking training; male and female reproductive exams, pregnant woman exams
  • EhrGo订阅
  • 大喇叭
  • Packrat考试费用
  • 现场校园PANCE复习课程
  • Rosh PANCE复习课程订阅
  • HIPPA医疗工作者认证费用
  • PAEA轮转期末考试和总结考试
  • 人体大体解剖用尸体
  • 完整的解剖学学习包
  • 实验室用品,模型和人体模型
  • 生物医学危险废物处置
  • 圆桌会议演讲嘉宾
  • 医疗责任保险



  • 如果你对 申请流程或申请状态 西顿希尔医师助理项目,请将您的问题发送至 CASPA.
  • 如果你有关于 先决条件, 最后期限, 筛选, 面试, 或者西顿希尔的选拔过程, 或者想和澳门金沙博彩娱乐平台学院的教员谈谈,请电邮 gadmit@ebonykink.com.

联系 研究生和在线学习办公室 关于 研究生项目,请填写 网上索取资料表格. 准备申请? 现在在线免费申请! 您也可以致电研究生招生(724)838-4208或给我们发电子邮件 gadmit@ebonykink.com.